When it comes to potable water tanks, there’s a lot to know. Understandably, one of the most important things to understand is when the lining will need replacing. Here’s everything potable water tank owners should look for when considering lining replacement.

3 Signs a Potable Water Storage Tank Needs Lining Replacement

Maintaining a potable water storage tank is vital to ensure clean and safe drinking water. Like most things, tank linings can deteriorate, leading to potential contamination risks. Therefore, maintaining the tank and lining is important to avoiding these issues. 

Here are three telltale signs that a potable water tank needs its lining replaced!

1. It’s Been Years Since the Last Replacement

One of the biggest signs that a potable water tank needs a lining replacement is time.

Usually, tank linings are durable for a certain amount of time before signs of replacement start to show. This time can vary on different factors like material and environmental conditions.

As a general rule of thumb, if it has been more than five years since the last lining replacement, it’s a good idea to schedule an inspection.

2. There are Cracks and Rust in the Tank

As far as visible indicators go, rust and cracks are strong signs that a potable water tank needs lining replacement.

This kind of damage can lead to water contamination and a weakened tank. Even the smallest cracks can lead to big problems, so it’s important to address any structural issues right away.

3. There’s a Leak

One of the most urgent signs that a water tank needs a lining replacement is a leak. Leaks can happen for various reasons, including…

  • Corrosion
  • Wear and tear
  • Faulty installation

Regardless of the cause, any leak should be immediately addressed to prevent water loss and contamination. This includes small drips.

Remember, regular maintenance and timely lining replacement are important to maintaining a workable and healthy potable water tank. Pay close attention to replacement signs to avoid bigger problems like poor water quality, contamination, and more.

Benefits of Maintaining the Lining of Potable Water Storage Tanks

Since linings can go years without being replaced, many people overlook replacement. However, keeping track of the lining of potable water storage tanks has benefits, including…

  • Preventing Corrosion: This extends the life of the tank and saves on costly repairs.
  • Preventing Contamination: A worn-down lining can lead to infiltration, which can contaminate the water supply. By preventing this from happening, health risks are limited.
  • Supporting Efficiency: A maintained lining helps minimize water loss from leaks, which optimizes tank function and distribution.

It’s important to keep in mind that replacing a tank lining is more than an added cost. It’s an investment in maintaining a healthy and optimal water storage tank. While it may seem like a small step in upkeep, lining replacement is a significant safety measure that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Replace Your Lining Today with Colorado Coating Pros

At Colorado Coating Pros, we’re dedicated to providing premium quality services that keep your water tank in top condition. Our meticulous process involves sandblasting off the old epoxy lining and spraying a new one, ensuring long-lasting protection for your tank. To schedule your lining replacement, contact us today!